ZIBO Updater needs very little setup in order to perform the basic function of updating your aircraft.

On the first run of ZIBO Updater, you will be given the option to run a quick setup, which will take you through the minimal setup procedure for the software. If however, you skip that setup, here are the minimal requirements in order to get started:

  1. Assign your mod folder, by clicking the Browse button.

  2. Navigate to your B737-7/8/900 installation, which is found in <x-plane 11>\Aircraft, or simply highlight the B737-7/8/900 folder in your Aircraft directory as shown, then click the select folder button:

  3. Repeat this procedure for the update archives directory. You can read more about this directory, and its function here.
  4. Next, select your preferred backup options, if you like:

  5. That's all there is to it! If there's an update available for your mod, you will see a cloud icon in the title bar of the application - click on it to get started.